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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Praying for Health

There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. The fact is that about 95% of Americans believe in God. When a person is sick or in pain, it is very common to pray for health. Many wander does this work? There are studies today that are committed on the accuracy of prayer for health. The alternative to traditional treatments can be used to help a person in both the physical and spiritual aspects of life. Studies are now looking at if prayer can be used in place of other medical procedures or if it is used in connection with the traditional ways.

It is logical to say that prayer can help with your mental conditions. However the belief in a higher power and heaven will give you a more positive outlook on life and your medical progress. Relieving stress in the mind is going to make for better health decisions. The people that pray are going to have a larger support group of others who are also in the religious manner and it will bring a sense of community to the person that is praying. All of these can help improve overall health.

One questions is if prayer can help physically and bring healing to the body? Studies are doing more work in this subject and have split it into three topics. One group received no prayers from a larger group, one received prayers and was told about it and the last had prayers and they were told that they may or may not receive them. This blind type of study was inconclusive. It could not be determined if the patients were praying or if the outside friends and family were praying. It was not possible to control those types of studies.

With many of the different alternative therapy options, advocates will say that it is not going to hurt anything. This is true for sure. Praying does not cost anything and it takes little time. When used with typical medical procedures it can only help with a person’s health. The medical field was started in ancient times as a type of religion and with many doctors and the nursing staff as the roles of religious leaders. In the world today, this is not the case and in most hospitals it still employee’s members of the clergy to visit the patients if they want.

With the studies being inconclusive, it may be very unproductive to use prayer in place of other medical treatments. You need to discuss this with your doctor and religious leaders so that you have the best course of action for you and your medical problem. If you are using prayers it will make you feel more positive about your condition and you should continue to do this.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is something that is used off of the human energy process. It is comprised of the electromagnetic patterns that are used in mental, emotional, and physical responses. When someone is sick, it is said that they human energy is in poor condition and it needs to be repaired with the polarity therapy process. When using the energy that is based in bodywork, exercise, dieting, and being aware, polarity therapy is going to give the body a stronger human energy field. This will in return make them healthier.

Polarity therapy was first used by Randolph Stone that published a total of seven works by 1954 that talked about what he found in his research into using energy in the healing art form. He found that touch, diet, movement, sounds, attitudes, and relationships as well as the things that happen in life experiences affect the human energy field. He used his findings and theories during his medical career in Chicago and had a great deal of success with the majority of the patients. After treatment, some of Stone’s students that carried on his work and in 1984 the American polarity Therapy Association was discovered and since then, Polarity therapy has became an used a lot in the form of medicine and has been more diverse than when it was first thought of.

A person’s energy is supposed to flow smoothly and clearly. When it does a person is gong to be thought of as healthy. However, blockages in the flow of energy can occur due to stress or other factors in life. When this does happen, a body will become less healthy and pan and some illness can occur. Polarity therapy is going to look for blockages and will try to get rid of them and this will allow the energy to flow free again. A usual polarity therapy session can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. In this time, there will be different types of touch and speaking interactions that will happen. The professional will use degrees of touch on the patient in the form of light and hard in order to help their muscles relax and this will help to fight stress. The person will also try and make the person more aware of their energy in the body and this will help them to be more aware of the energy that they have. Doing this will make them more calm and give them the chance to be calmer.

Polarity therapy is a great cure for so many people and has great success in the form of stress relief. After the therapy session a person will feel more relaxed and a happier person. It is a great way to take away the tension and bring out a stronger person and help them a lot.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Music Therapy

The National Association for Music Therapy in 1950 was formed and it brought music therapy in the world of professionalism. This was the root for the music therapy discovery. Using music as a cure for a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being has been used for centuries. However it was never referred to a professional science. Even though everyone does not consider it to be, music therapy will make up a significant part of alternative therapy medicine.

There are many people that refer to music therapy for help. These people are professionals like a physician, psychologist, or a social worker. There are also many parents that will use music therapy for their children. There are reasons that someone will come under the care of a music therapist and they will always be in good hands. A music therapist is going to be a very qualified individual with a good education and training. There are music therapists that often work with the physically handicapped and the abused. This is also something that will help the elderly, terminally ill and the mentally retarded.

Music therapy techniques are different and will deal with the expression of emotions for calming the body. A music therapist may tell a patient to sing to express their emotions that need to be let out. Others many also use piano playing as a way to increase their motor skills and other may use instruments to help a patient illustrate his or her inside feelings. There are different applications for music therapy and making it an exciting and interesting part.

There are patients that are involved in music therapy and are going to increase their skill in using an instrument or in another part of music that is not the main focus. Music therapy is gong to focus on the areas of communication, academic and motor and social skills. All of these areas can be impacted with the use of music and proven by music therapists over and over.

Music cannot cure in a disabilities and illnesses. It is a good tool when used by those that are willing to participate in getting music therapy to help them with problems. Many use it in hospitals, rehab centers, and retirement homes. It can also help many children that are dealing with social skills in school. Music therapy can help in these fields and it is very interesting to learn that music therapy is showing up everywhere and the way that music therapy will be more popular in the future.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Massage for Health

There are many people that love to get massages because they feel great but they also benefit your health and most people do not know this. Massage therapy and techniques when they are done the right way can decrease your stress levels but also relax your muscles and they can improve your immune system as well. Massages can also help to relive pain in the body and cure headaches. Healing injuries and retaining muscle and joint mobility are also accredited to massages. If you are having any type of problems with these areas and traditional medical procedures are not working for you, talk to your health care provider about the alternative therapy options like massage.

There are different kinds of massages and a professional will usually practice one or two of these. You need to visit someone who can help you with your needs. There are Swedish massages that are focused on relaxation or deep tissue massage and they are focused on loosening muscle tissues up.

Some of the different massages can target certain parts of the body. A Cranio-Sacral massage will focus on your neck, head, and spine to get it working properly in the right alignment again. This will also loosen up the tight muscles in the body. Chi Nei Tsang is one type of massage that will focus on your abdominal organs and help you with your digestive pain or disease. If your joints are giving you the problem, you need to use The Trager Approach. This is a kind of massage that will improve your life when it is done the right way. You can also use them in connection with the Swedish massage or other types to target the problem and relax the whole body.

The other types of massages are going to relax or relieve stress like the Rosen Method. All of the massages should make you feel physically and emotionally better. There are a few types of massage like the deep tissue massage that can be a little painful and should only be used if the doctor recommends it for you. Rolfing is one of these techniques that work to align your tissues the right way and straighten the spine up. Even after this massage, you should feel better and not worse. If your condition gets worse, you need to speak to your doctor and take different measures right away.

The other kinds of massage that may work for you will include the Alexander technique, acupressure, feldenfrais, reflexology, Reiki, and Shiatsu methods. There are different ways to use these techniques and you need to research them a lot before you make an appointment. You can find out information on how to perform the simple massage techniques on yourself to improve your comfort level or you can buy a massage chair for the home or office. Your doctor or massage therapist can help you figure out what is going to be best for you and what your body needs the most.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blood Pressure and Drug Use

There is a lot of different talk about how thing that we do in life will affect our body. Using drugs is one of these things. Using drugs is going to be important depending on the amount and how often the drug use is going to occur. One of the things that are going to be a good target by your drug abuse is your blood pressure. You have to figure out that your blood pressure is something that can be dangerously damaged by your drug use. It is going to be very important that you know what this could mean in order to keep your body healthy.

If you have high blood pressure, you are going to be more at risk for many different types health problems. Your body is not going to be healing well after an injury and it will not repair itself after being sick. Actually high blood pressure is something that can lead to a lot of trouble during your life and to help this from happening there are some things that you should think about doing.

The first thing is that you should get a lot of exercise for your body. You need to be getting your heart pumping for a long period of time several times a week. This is a good way to keep your heart in shape and make sure that you are not going to develop high blood pressure. You will need to eat a good diet and stay away from high fat and cholesterols and that you should be doing whatever is healthier for your body when it comes to the food that you put in your mouth.

Any kind of drug will have a huge impact on your blood pressure. If you are getting the right amount of exercise and eating well, you are still hurting your body if you are using drugs. You should know that when you put anything into your blood system it not only makes you feel good by getting you high, it will also do damage to all of your inside organs and all of the other parts of your body. Doing drugs will raise your blood pressure as well as do many other terrible things to you and your body. You need to think about this and remember that doing drugs is going to make your body sick and it will not get better. You do not want to have a drug problem and increase your chances of dying too early in life. This will happen if you continue to do drugs and not take care of your body and keep your blood pressure under control.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Importance of Healthy Eating

Have you ever heard the saying you are what you eat? In some sense, this is true, because if you eat unhealthy foods you are prone to be an unhealthy person. The foods we ingest are extremely important to our ability to grow, maintain function, and prevent illness. Therefore, if you value your health, you should learn as much about healthy eating as possible.

Healthy eating is important from the day we are born. As a child, we grow quite rapidly and this is due in part to the foods we eat. Foods all contain nutrients that provide us not only with fuel to live our daily lives, but also with the very substances that build our bones, muscles, and organ tissues. Not getting enough of one nutrient or another can cause a variety of problems, including stunting our growth. For mothers who are nursing, nutrition is important because breast milk contains the nutrients a child needs to grow and develop properly. Upon growing older, these nutrients are then found in food, but don’t think that healthy eating isn’t important for growth after you’ve gone through puberty. Cells continuous break down and rebuild, so healthy eating for growth continues to be important until the day we die.

Maintaining function is also not important without healthy eating. In out daily lives, we use energy to think, walk, talk, breathe, and perform any other action. The energy it takes our body to do these things comes from two places: fat reserves in the body or our daily food intake. If you don’t eat healthy foods, you will find that you are storing more fat that necessary or that you aren’t getting enough and you feel sluggish or weak. Along with energy-providing nutrients, like fats and carbohydrates, we also need the right nutrients to allow our organs to do their jobs. Hormones and other substances in the body make sure that everything is working properly. If you don’t eat the right nutrients, your body cannot produce these hormones and, as a result, cannot function properly.

Lastly, healthy eating is important in order to prevent illness. When we do not get the right nutrients, or body’s natural defense system against diseases weakens, allowing viruses and bacteria to attack the body. It’s like a well-trained army—if the army doesn’t have enough to eat, it will not do well in battle. Without healthy foods and plenty of water, our bodies simply could not operate on a day-to-day basis. Learning how to eat healthy foods is therefore and important lesson, and one which we should begin learning as children.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vitamins for Your Mental Health

Vitamins help you body in a number of different ways. However many people do not realize that vitamins are also crucial for helping the health of your mind. Depression is one of the many mental illnesses that can really help to ruin a person’s life if left untreated. If you are hoping to deal with your depression in a way that is healthy to your body but does not include the use of drugs, you might want to gain a better understand of just how vitamins can work for your depression. Vitamin supplements can help you fight your depression.

First and foremost, study the B vitamins. B-complex vitamins are essential to your well-being, including your mental and emotional health. They are water-soluble, which means that they cannot be stored in the body over time to be used at a later date, and so you must eat foods rich in B vitamins every day or take vitamin supplements. B-vitamins that could cause or add to your depression include thiamin, which provides energy to your brain, and pantothenic acid, which is crucial in the formation of certain hormones that suppress depression. Most other B vitamins affect your mental and emotional state as well, and because they are broken down in the body by alcohol and sugar, many people find it a struggle to eat enough food rich in the B vitamins. You should talk to your doctor about vitamin supplements in these areas in order to treat your depression.

Vitamin C is also extremely important in the fight against depression. Normal levels are usually easy to achieve in the body, but you might find that you need a boost from vitamin supplements if you have recently have surgery or an inflammatory illness. Lack of vitamin C is common if you are stressed or pregnant, so be particularly mindful of your depression during these times of life.

A variety of minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and zinc can also help you to fight your depression. The bottom line is that it is important for you to talk to a doctor if you believe that you are depressed. Vitamin supplements and medical care can help you to fight depression in many cases. You doctor will be able to recommend brands that are of high quality and instruct you on how to take the vitamin supplements so that your body can get all of the nutrients it needs to stay happy and healthy, both physically and mentally.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great Ways to Fail at Weight Loss

Millions of people in America are trying to lose weight without much success. There are many reasons for this failure, although most would rather give up than fix their mistakes. Weight loss is hard! Without a little patience and knowledge about nutrition and exercise, your best weight loss plan may crumble. Learning the top reasons why weight loss plans fails is important so that you do not make these mistakes in your own life.

First, many weight loss plans fail because the people trying to lose weight follow too strict of a diet. When you cut back your calories, you will burn more than you eat, so you’ll lose weight, right? If you do this gradually, then yes, it works like a charm. However, if you suddenly cut too many, you won’t lose any weight at all because you metabolism will slow down. You also put yourself at danger for not getting enough for the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients you need every single day in order to stay healthy.

Another common mistake is trying to go at weight loss alone. Everything you do regarding weight loss, from dieting to exercising, will be a hundred times easier if you have a partner because you will push each other not to quit. Working with a support system on a large scale is also important. Your friends and family should know that you are attempting to lose weight so that they can help you on the process and not tempt you by doing things like baking you cookies or taking up your gym time. Also, remember that professionals, like doctors and trainers, should come into the weight loss plan to help you shed the pounds.

Setting unrealistic goals is another good way to fail at a weight loss plan. When you set goals that you can’t easily reach, you push yourself to move forward and will feel successful even if you fall short. However, when you set impossible goals, you will find that you are easily frustrated. Don’t weigh in every day, don’t completely cut out all of the foods you eat on a regular basis, and don’t exercise to much right away. Gradually build up to reaching the goals you really want for your life, but smart out with smaller ideas.

Lastly, simply know yourself. Weight loss plans fail when you attempt to be something you are not. Maybe you have wide hips—a weight lose plan won’t completely change that, for example. You have to be happy with yourself on the inside before you change things on the outside in order to succeed at losing weight.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

History of Vitamin

Vitamins and nutritional supplements have been around for quite some time. They represent a multi-billion dollar business for each year, and each year the business simply gets bigger. Their success is due in part to the fact that people have been constantly searching for ways to get themselves more healthy and more in control of their lives for some time. Many people all over the world now rely on vitamin and nutritional supplements taken daily in order to get the vitamins and minerals that they need to get in their lives.

Even though people have been turning to vitamins and mineral supplements for a long time, they have become more and more popular since 1994, which is when Congress voted to change the Food and Drug Administrations regulations of nutritional supplements. Since then, the industry has boomed, meaning that every mall and store in America has vitamins and minerals pretty much at anyone’s disposal. People all over are looking towards self-medicating with vitamins and minerals in order to be healthy. The good thing about it is that they are trying to be healthy. Some problems might arise when people realize that they don’t know a lot about vitamins and minerals, and without a doctor to prescribe them, it might not be as easy to be healthy as they at first thought.

When taken correctly, and when taken by the right people at the right time in their lives, there can be a lot of benefit to vitamins and minerals being taken as supplements. As long as people don’t overdo it, there is really no harm in taking the vitamins that are needed for good body growth and for good cell growth.

However, even today there are arguments within the medical community about whether or not vitamin supplements are really important and whether or not people should be taking them for their health. The fact of the matter is that they contain things that are good for our bodies, but these things might be already coming from somewhere, so having too much of them might actually be harmful. This is where the speculations lie about whether or not they are good for you.

In order to really know if vitamin and mineral supplements are going to benefit your family, you should check with your local doctor. He or she will be able to give you the information that you need to make educated conclusions about the usefulness of vitamins and minerals for you.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why You Need Protein

When learning about healthy eating, one of the most important nutrients is protein. Of course, all nutrients are crucial for our bodies to be as healthy as possible, but without protein in our diets every single day, our bodies will not be as strong as they should be. Protein can be found in a number of food sources, so if you’re interested in eating a healthier diet, you should consider learning more about protein.

We need to eat foods rich in protein every day because, unlike some other nutrients, it cannot be stored in the body. That means that if you eat more protein than necessary, your body will simply cause it to pass through your system. Therefore, you really can’t eat too much protein! However, because protein cannot be stored in the body problems may arise surrounding this nutrient as well. If you don’t get enough protein on any given day, your body has no back-up plan for producing protein on its own or using reserved protein from previous days. Therefore, protein is very important to consider when you are planning your meals.

Essentially, protein builds muscles, which is why you will see bodybuilders especially concerned with protein. When you lift weights to work out, you body makes tiny tears in the muscles. Proteins are then used to repair these healthy tears in the body, building the muscle slightly bigger with every workout. Even if you do not work out, your body’s muscle deteriorates, as you body needs the energy. Muscle provides energy, just like fat. Having protein in the body helps you to rebuild any muscle lost.

Protein also helps a person’s body in other ways, mainly with the maintenance of hormones. Hormones in the body do a number of things, such as regulate organ function, account for stimulation, create metabolism, and affect mood. Proteins are used in the making of some of these different hormones, so if you go more than a day or two without eating foods rich in proteins, your entire body will suffer.

How can you make sure that you re getting enough proteins? Simply put, look for foods with protein as a key component on the label. Some great foods to consider include chicken, beef, pork, eggs, and fish, although vegetarians can also get proteins into their diets by eating nuts, beans, soy products, and a variety of other foods. You should have some of these foods in your diet every single day to ensure that you are providing your body with the proteins it needs to stay healthy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

If you’re working on a weight loss plan, one of the most difficult times of year can be the holidays. Around Christmas and New Years, the parties and meals you’ll attend will include foods that are high in fat and calories and low in nutrition. Fortunately, by following these five tips you can stick to your weight loss plan even as visions of sugarplums dance in your head.

First, avoid the alcohol. Cocktails and beer are usually served at holiday parties, but they can be full of calories. When you drink, you also have a decreased will power when it comes to saying no to other holiday foods and your appetite will be stimulate, so you’ll eat even more than you normally would eat at a party. Having one drink on a special occasion may be fine, but don’t overdo it every time you head out to celebrate the season.

Another great tip to stick to your plan during the holiday season is to show up fashionably late after you’ve already eaten a meal. If you do this, you won’t feel pressured to eat an entire meal of junk foods or snack on cookie or hot chocolate. Of course, showing up late may be insulting at smaller parties, so make sure you are not rude to the party host.

Use the holidays to get outside as well. You can play in the snow if the weather allows, which actually burns tons of calories. Walking up the hill to sled and having a snowball fight are great ways to get your heart pumping as well as work off those candy canes.

If the weather isn’t cold or snowy, use your time to head to the mall. When gift shopping, make a number of laps around the mall and take the stairs instead of the escalator. Keep this in mind at parties as well—get up and move around as much as possible. Christmas caroling is also a great way to stay off of your rear. This will allow you to do some walking while spreading the holiday cheer.

Lastly, avoid gifts of food. Of course, you can’t tell people what to buy for you, but if you find yourself with a bunch of brownies or boxes or chocolates, why not share the love? You can take these products into work or even donate unopened items to your local food bank. These tips keep you staying slim, every as you’re surrounded by goodies.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Eating Healthy for your Heart

Your heart is one of the most important organs in the body, and the foods you put into your mouth effect how your heart operates. If you want your heart to be strong and able to pump blood as well as possible all over your body, it is important for you to eat a healthy diet. Heart-healthy foods are readily available in the supermarket, so choose some that work for your personal likes and you should be able to help prevent heart disease in your own body.

Cholesterol is the most important thing when it comes to eating heart-healthy foods. There are both good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol are called HDL, and their job in the body is to take excess bad cholesterol (LDL) to the liver, where it can be broken down and then will leave the body. LDL is actually not needed by your body at all from foods. Our bodies make enough of this kind of cholesterol on its own. It is the LDL cholesterol that hurts our hearts, not the HDL cholesterol, which actually helps our hearts be reducing the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body.

LDL stands for low-density lipoproteins. Because this substance has a low density, it does not flow through the blood stream as readily as it should. The red blood cells easily release the LDL cholesterol and it sticks to the walls of your blood vessels, especially in the arteries leading to your heart. This is bad for a number of reasons.

First, when the LDL cholesterol builds up on your arteries, it reduces the amount of blood that can fit through at a time, since the artery becomes smaller. That means your heart has to pump harder and faster in order to allow the same amount of blood to flow through your body. Over time, this makes your heart tired and not as strong. In the worst-case scenario, the blood vessel becomes so built up with LDL cholesterol that your artery could close completely. When this happens, your heart essentially panics because it is not getting the blood it needs and it starts beating rapidly to try to pump the blood. This causes a heart attack.

You can also have a heart attack from LDL cholesterol build up if a piece of the build-up, called plaque, breaks off and floats down the blood stream. When it reaches a smaller part of the blood vessel, it will get stuck and block the blood, which again causes a heart attack. If the piece of plaque travels to the brain instead of the heart, it will cause a blockage in this area of the body, which in turn causes a stroke. Therefore, it is simply important to cut out of your diet the foods high in cholesterol so that you can prevent heart disease and other problems in the body.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don’t Forget Your Lower Body: Aerobic Targeting

When it comes right down to it, we all want to get healthier. You might not know it, but aerobics are going to be one of the best things you can do so that you can truly get healthier. Just think of the time that you spend worrying about how you look, or even the time that you end up sad and depressed about something in your life! If you can fill this time with aerobics, not only is it going to be beneficial for you, it is going to help you in more ways than simply your health.

However, sometimes you want to work on a part of your body in a way that makes it stronger. Many times the workouts that we create for ourselves simply have an idea to focus on your whole body. This can be great, because aerobics are something that can work well for your whole body. But many people have an area of their body that they would like to target, and so it is sometimes good to target just a piece of you.

Our lower body can be something that we want to work on. Your legs and rear end are parts of you that have to be strong because they are what get you through each and every day. You have to be able to have endurance when it comes to walking and running, and a lot of people don’t like the way that their legs or rear end look and want to change this by working out.

There are many things that we can do to strengthen our lower body while we are working out. Everyone should know that while you are doing aerobics you should be moving your legs constantly. The repetitions of whatever you are doing for your aerobic workout, such as walking or running, should be done in such a way so that your leg muscles are moving to their maximum potential. It is important to get your heart pumping!

A great way to increase the amount of work that your legs are doing, and therefore make them stronger, is to get leg weights to attach to yourself as you work out. This means that you’ll be able to be stronger because you’ll have to exert more force to move your legs and your ankles. This is a great way to make sure that your aerobic workouts target your legs and your lower body. Don’t forget to target all areas of your body when working out.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kinds of Vitamins: A General Overview

There are many different kinds of vitamins that can help your body. These vitamins, along with the essential minerals, which can also be called micronutrients, are things that your body needs, in small amounts, which promote good biochemical reactions within your body and within your cells. They make you grow right, help you digest your food, make you more mentally alert and more mentally sound, help you to be resistant to infectious diseases, and help your body to use carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Also, vitamins and minerals are catalysts in your body, which speed up or initiate chemical reactions. The difference between the vitamins and the proteins you get from food is that you don’t burn up the vitamins, so you can’t use them for energy.

Because your body does not make most vitamins and minerals directly, you have to get them from food sources or from vitamin supplements. If you aren’t getting enough of a certain vitamin or mineral for a long period of time you can get a specific disease or condition. This will usually be fixed when the vitamin or mineral is re supplied to your body.

Basically, there are 13 vitamins. Four of them are fat-soluble and nine of them are going to be water soluble. The ones that are fat-soluble can be stored in your body fat and also stored in certain organs such as your liver. The water-soluble vitamins do not get stored in your body in large amounts.

The vitamins that are fat soluble, which means that you can store them in your body for a long time, include A, D, E and K. These dissolve in lipids and require bile in order to be absorbed. They are also stored in tissues, and if you have too many of them they can be toxic to you.

The water-soluble vitamins are going to be C and eight of the B vitamins. These are thiamine, which is B1, Riboflavin, which is B2, niacin, pyridoxine, which is B6, pantothenic acid, which is B5, vitamin B12, biotin and folic acid. These dissolve in water, so if you are cooking or washing, the vitamins might actually be washed out of the food. They are easily absorbed and excreted, and are not stored very much or often in your tissues. These vitamins are seldom going to reach toxic levels.

All of these vitamins are found in food, but if you aren’t able to get the food that you need in order to get the vitamins, you are going to have to turn to nutritional supplements to make sure that you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals that your body is going to need.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Abscessed Teeth

An abscess in the tooth refers to an infection that was caused by a pocket of pus residing in the tissue around the tooth. Abscesses are very serious conditions, and can lead to serious matters if they aren’t treated immediately. When the pulp of a tooth dies due to damage or decay, bacteria will begin to grow from the dead tissue that is left. This bacteria will eventually spread from the root of the dead tooth into the tissue that is below and create a pocket of pus - the abscess.

Gum disease is also a cause for a tooth becoming abscessed. Gum diseases causes the gums to pull back and away from teeth, leaving pockets behind. When one of the pockets becomes blocked, the bacteria can grow and spread, or get backed up. When this happens, an abscess will start to form under the surface of the gums and become apparent will swelling as it gets bigger and spreads.

Once the infection has started to spread, your jawbone may start to dissolve as it makes room for the swelling in the area that has been infected. Once the bone starts to dissolve, the pressure will be greatly reduced, although the infection will still be there. Even though you will get relief, the infection will get worse - and the pain will always come back. Once more of the bone has been dissolved, there will be nothing left to support the tooth, meaning that it will become loose and end up needing to be extracted.

The symptoms of an abscessed tooth are easy to see, as they include severe pain in the affected area, red or swollen gums, a bad taste in your mouth, swelling around the area or the jaw, and possibly a high fever. Pain is excruciating with an abscess, normally affecting the area in a bad way. No matter what you do, the pain seems to intensify.

Abscesses mostly occur with back teeth, although they can happen in the front as well. Once your tooth has become abscessed, your dentist won’t immediately pull it. If a tooth that has abscessed is extracted once the infection is still present, it can quickly spread. Your dentist will instead prescribe you some antibiotics that can help to destroy the bacteria.

The dentist can also perform a root canal, in an attempt to remove dead or decayed tissue. Last but not least, he can also drill a hole in the tooth to give the infection a chance to drain and try to remove any dead pulp. The most common treatment with an abscess is to use antibiotics to kill the infection, then get the tooth removed. You should never let it get that bad - as an abscess is something that can destroy your jawbone.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

OK, Vitamin K!

Vitamin K is an extremely important vitamin in the body. It mainly plays a role in blood clotting, so without enough vitamin K, you could have problems if you are injured. If you are suffering for vitamin K deficiency, your blood simple will not clot. Some scientists and researchers also think that vitamin K is important for maintaining your bone health, especially as you age. Therefore, if you are not getting enough vitamin K in your body from food sources, which is the best way to achieve normal vitamin K levels, you should talk to your doctor about the vitamin K supplements that are available for your use.

There are thirteen different vitamins that your body needs to survive. Of these thirteen, four are fat-soluble and the rest are water-soluble. If the vitamin is water-soluble, it dissolves quickly and exits the body. Therefore, water-soluble vitamins must be consumed daily in order to keep your levels normal. However, if a vitamin is fat-soluble, it does not exit the body but is instead stored in your fat to be used at a later time. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it is not crucial for you to eat it every day. However, it is important for you to keep a careful eye on your levels of vitamin K in the body in order to make sure that you are not becoming vitamin K deficient. If this occurs, vitamin supplement may be necessary.

Vitamin K is found in a variety of foods. It is also produced in the body by the bacteria found in the lining of your gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, your body helps regulate its own vitamin K levels. As for foods that contain vitamin K, you will more than likely eat enough if your simple eat a healthy, balanced diet. Some foods that are especially high in vitamin K include vegetables like cabbage, spinach and other leafy greens, soybeans, and cauliflower.

If you do not get enough vitamin K in your diet, it is important to talk to your doctor about taking supplements. If you o not, you will start to see that you are prone to bruising and bleeding. Extreme vitamin K deficiency is very rare, but when it does occur it is usually due to a body’s problem in the intestinal tract. Instead of absorbing vitamin K like normal, the body simply does not. In this case, vitamin supplement are necessary. However, because this is a fat-soluble vitamin, you should take vitamin supplements for vitamin K under medical supervision.

Hate Exercising? Some Workout Tips for You

If you’re anything like me, you wouldn’t consider exercising your favorite pastime. In fact, some people downright hate exercising. However, exercising is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, and without it you definitely will not be able to lose weight. There are certain tips, however, for learning to love exercising, even if you truly hate it.

First, try finding some exercises that you like to do. Of course, you should work out all of your body, but if you absolutely hate doing one kind of exercise, then look for another to take its place. You don’t have to do crunches to strengthen your core muscles. You don’t have to do lunges to work out your lower body. You don’t even have to run—you can replace it with cycling or swimming. Find the exercise you like to do and your workout will seem more enjoyable right away.

You can also find other activities you like to do and make them work for your body. For example, if you like working on your garden, try doing some exercising surrounding raking or mow your yard by hand. If you enjoy the winter weather, you can try ice skating or sledding with friends. No matter what you like to do, you can find ways to get some exercise. Thanks to the introduction of the Wii and game like Dance Dance Revolution, you can even combine video games and exercise.

Another great tip to liking exercise is to find a training partner. When you work out together, you can help one another stay motivated, even if you don’t absolutely love exercising. With a partner, you can have fun as well, trying things like tennis or challenging one another to meet certain goals. Trainers can also provide this for you, as well as show you new and fun exercises to help you avoid getting bored or feeling overwhelmed at the gym.

Lastly, try taking some classes. Exercising classes are a great way to meet new people, learn new exercises, stay motivated, and above all, have fun. Most gyms offer low-cost or free exercise classes with membership or you can check out options at your local community center.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Choosing a Toothbrush

As unimportant it might sound, choosing a toothbrush is an important part of oral hygiene. However people don’t tend to put any thought while selecting a toothbrush.

They generally tend to go by the color, design or attractiveness of the toothbrush or fall prey to the advertising gimmicks by the manufacturers. Most of the so called “advanced technologies” that are used to create a better toothbrush are nothing but advertising gimmicks to attract the public. The basic functionality of the toothbrush is to effectively clean all areas of the tooth.

Another popular misconception among people is that their powered tooth brush is much better than an ordinary toothbrush. Although a powered tooth brush makes the process much simpler, there is no substantial evidence to suggest that they are significantly better at cleaning your teeth than your plain toothbrush.

What kind of Tooth Brush should I use?

Now, moving on what you should look for in a toothbrush while buying. Again, I would like to emphasize not to fall prey to manufacturers claims and advertising gimmicks.

• Choose a soft bristled brush over the hard bristled one as the hard ones tend to cause gingival recession. Softer bristles mean more flexibility, no damage to gums and better cleaning beneath the gingival margin.

• The head of the brush must be reasonably small which will allow it to clean difficult areas of the teeth.

• The handle should ideally allow comfortable gripping by the user.

• The design or shape of the neck or handle of the brush is not significant to effective brushing (as often claimed by manufacturers). You should choose what suits you.

• Powered tooth brushes do not hold any significant advantage over the manual brushes as thought by many. Electric brushes are recommended for handicapped or bedridden patients, children, patients with orthodontic appliances, patients lacking fine motor skills although they can still be chosen just on personal preference.

When should I replace my tooth brush?

Now, moving on to when you must replace your brush. It’s commonly seen people using their same old brush till the bristles wear and that still does not get them to change their brush.

According to ADA (American Dental Association) a toothbrush should be replaced every 3 months or when the bristles show signs of wear, whichever occurs first.

If you notice your toothbrush wearing too soon such as under a month, this is indicative of overzealous brushing and should be avoided as it causes damage to gums, bacteremia and painful ulceration of the gingiva.

Similarly, a toothbrush which does not show any sign of wear and tear even after 5-6 months indicates that the brushing is excessively gentle and you should try addressing this issue.

You can try the new toothbrushes which are color coded by a dye which reminds you of changing your brush by fading. Another important aspect which most people are commonly alien to is the need to replace their toothbrush after cold, flu, sore throat or mouth infection as the harmful microorganisms can accumulate on the brush leading to re-infection.

About the author:
DentalHealthSite.Com – dental care weblog with the latest news and procedures in the dental industry. Read the articles on tooth loss and yellow teeth.

Article Source:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stress Management Strategies

Stress management is the way we respond and react to the everyday pressures and demands of life. Developing effective stress management skills are crucial. Here are the strategies :

1. Get enough rest and sleep.

Although everyone does not have the same requirements for rest and sleep, the majority of us need at least seven to eight hours per night. Try to develop a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at about the same time everyday. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, stimulating activities, or exercise prior to bed time. You may also want to develop a bedtime routine, like showering, soaking in a warm tub, reading, or listening to soft music prior to falling asleep.

2. Breathing.

Deep breathing, when done properly, will relax the body even as it confronts high levels of stress or panic. It is physically impossible for muscles to remain tense when deep, relaxing breaths are taken. When you feel the tension mounting, stop, close your eyes and take a few long, deep breaths. Breath through your diaphragm and not your chest. Feel the breath coming in through your nostrils and into your belly (your belly will actually rise) and allow the breath to expelthrough your mouth as your belly contracts. This pause only lasts a minute or so, but it can clear your mind and allow you to refocus your energy on the task at hand.

3. Balance work and recreation.

Take time out for yourself and do something you
enjoy. Consider scheduling a break into your busy day. Schedule five or ten minutes when you will stop working and do something you enjoy. Some popular choices: working on a crossword puzzle, walking around the house or building where you work, stepping outside for a breath of fresh air, singing, calling a friend to schedule a lunch date, or staring out the window. Learning to integrate joyful moments into your daily life will go a long way towards alleviating and preventing stress.

4. Seek out support.

Having a network of supportive friends and acquaintances is a vital resource in coping with stress. Sharing and confiding can buffer the stress connected with life's daily hassles. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that others can understand and empathize.

5. Movement.

Moving your body is an excellent way to dissipate stress. A formal exercise plan can be developed and followed, but a less formal approach will work equally well. Taking daily walks can go a long way in reducing stress and increasing your energy level. When you feel too tired to move, get up and dance, walk, or just jump in place. Doing so will increase the flow of blood through the body and to the brain and reinvigorate you for the tasks ahead.

6. Organize and manage time effectively.

Trying to do too much in too little time is a stress trap. Since you cannot make more time, managing the time you have is vital. The three P's of effective time management that can assist you are as follows:
• Prioritize set goals for important things
• Plan schedule and set realistic time lines
• Protect learn to say no to unwanted demands and avoid time wasters

7. Learn to laugh!

Laughter is truly medicine for the soul. Research has shown that laughter helps the body relax, enhances the immune system, and increases problem solving abilities. Think about how good you feel after a hearty bout of laughter: you are breathing more deeply, your face and neck are more relaxed, and you feel happier. Make a special effort to look for humor and the lighter side of things. Learning to laugh at yourself, as well as with others, will go a long way in reducing stress.

9 Tips How to Keep Your Body Fit

Fitness is just as imperative as health. As a matter of fact, fitness is linked directly with your health. If you are not taking care of your body, you will get sick. Here are some great suggestions that will help you to keep your body fit:

1. Bicycling

It is a sad thing that many people do not take advantage of this excellent option for exercise. Bike riding exercise your body and build a stronger cardiovascular system. Also, it allows you to get out and enjoy nature and fresh air.

2. Jogging or Walking

Both jogging and walking are wonderful ways to get fit. They tone the muscles, relieve stress, create a healthier heart, and improve lung capability.

3. Swimming

Swimming is an exceptional way to get into and stay in shape. Swimming will help you tighten your body, lose weight, and get a good overall workout.

4. Tennis

Tennis is a great way to exercise. Just running after the ball alone will help get you into shape. This is a great way to strengthen your cardiovascular system and lose weight.

5. Dancing

Dancing is so much fun and as long as you are moving, it really does not matter what type of dance or music. The whole idea is to move your body. Dancing has long been recommended as an avenue to fitness.

6. VCR

If you have a VCR or DVD, try sticking in some good workout tapes. Even taking 15 minutes every day to workout will get you started. Try that for two weeks and you will be surprised at the results.

7. Abdominal Crunches

Crunches have long been a favorite for many athletes for the very reason that they work. Lying on your back with knees bent, keeping feet flat on the floor, cross your hands across your chest and then curl your torso, rolling from your sternum toward your hips. Do this slowly and start out with a set of ten crunches in three reps. As you get accustomed to these, you can increase both the number of sets and reps.

8. Squats

Squats are excellent for glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. With your feet standing firm and spread apart about two feet, bend your knees slightly. Then, very smoothly, you will squat toward the floor without going all the way down.

9. Tricep Press

For an Overhead Tricep Press, standing on the floor with your feet about two feet apart, knees slightly bent, you will extend your arms over your head. Keep your elbows locked and then very slowly lower your hands behind your head. You want to do this with some type of weight, but small weights like one to five pounds.

Visit Home Fitness Equipment Center for the latest news and information about home fitness exercise equipment.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home Teeth Whitening Tips

About a decade ago, people knew only one way of getting their teeth whitened- that was through dental in-office whitening. It was a wearisome procedure but slowly when people started showing a compulsive concern of having a whiter set of teeth, the impulsion goaded a number of different bleaching formulas and teeth whitening kits started flooding the every day market.

Nowadays, dental in-office teeth whitening aren't the only option. Numerous home teeth whitening kits are now dominating the market with unprecedented rate, as they are more beneficial products of teeth whitening treatments. Home teeth whitening system uses different teeth whitening kits like whitening strips, teeth whitening trays with whitening gels, and brush-on whitening.

Some of the basic home teeth whitening tip or methods of teeth whitening, used by people around the world are as follows:

1. Application of a paste of lemon juice and salt in the yellowish tint of the teeth is a wonderful way of eradicating that dull color of the teeth.

2. Rubbing the inner white part of an orange peel in the discolored teeth gives a lovely white shine.

3. Regular use of paste of bi-carbonate of soda with water removes the surface stain from the teeth.

4. Dried and powdered Bay leaves combined with dried orange peel also acts as an excellent whitener.

All these home teeth whitening methods when done regularly can give an excellent result.

Nowadays, people lack patience and time and so they frequent the chemist's shop to purchase teeth whitening kits. These kits include whitening strips, whitening sprays, brush-on gels and whitening toothpastes. But before using such teeth whitening kits, one should follow certain guidelines to get a perfecta teeth whitening. He should use oxygenating toothpaste to brush the teeth because it contains substances that strengthen gums and prevent sensitivity from occurring in the teeth. Before purchasing teeth whitening kits containing bleaching gel, one should confirm that the formula has 21 percent concentration and is carbamide peroxide based. After using Home teeth whitening kits, one should rinse their mouth with an oxygenating oral wash to get that perfecta teeth whitening.

Catalogue: Health & Fitness | Dental
Title: Home Teeth Whitening Tips By: Oliver Turner

Free E-book for Download : 365 Tips for Healthy Living

Everyday Health Guide: 365 Tips for Healthy Living

A Practical Daily Reference to The Nature Cure Using Foods, Vitamins, Minerals, and Food Supplements For Vibrant Health and Complete Freedom from Disease

First Edition

By Joseph Then The Healthy Portal: Building a healthy live… Online

Welcome to Everyday Health Guide

This collection of 365 daily health tips provides vital information for your health in the form of the nature cure. This is the healing power of your body and your spirit you can access without restriction and without cost, with the help of wholesome foods, potent nutrients, yogic practices, and simple exercise. Nature intended to fuel the body with the right foods and the appropriate nutrients. It is the responsibility of the person only to partake of food in moderation and to engage in the simplest asanas and healing baths. Water, colour, heat, and cold can do the rest.

The first eight of these 365 healing tips have been chosen to introduce you to the core concepts of the nature cure. They offer an example of healing outside conventional medicine, that is, colour therapy, and they progress through recognizing the problems with conventional therapies, basic nutritional principles, and basic dietary therapies. The balance of this collection of tips offers new and insightful methods of maintaining vibrant and energetic health without side effects, at a minimum cost, through means you yourself can master. These tips, of course, do not contradict the advice of your physician, nor are they are means of diagnosis or disease treatment in the medical sense. They form the basis of your personal healing modality, and can carry you to the heights of scientific healing in ways grounded in the timeless understanding of the body and the spirit afforded by the science of Ayurveda.

This ebook can be downloaded in here : 365 Tips for Helathy Living.pdf

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Top Ten Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Physical Body

Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Physical Body
By: Ronya Banks

Your body is the only vehicle you have been given for this ride called "Life". Taking good care of your body will ensure a longer, happier ride. The following tips integrate your Body, Mind, and Spirit, which are all required to maintain a healthy, happy body!

1. Healthy diet and nutrition.

Health care practitioners will tell you that you have to provide your physical body with high quality fuel if you want it to run properly. Eat a healthy, chemical-free diet high in vital nutrients. Take the herbal and vitamin supplements that will
support you in your good health.

2. Get adequate rest.

Get the appropriate amount of uninterrupted sleep you need to engage your REM patterns. REM sleep is your nervous system's way of healing and refueling your body. Also, if you're feeling overly sluggish, take a short nap or sit and rest. Chronic sleep and sluggishness problems should be reported to your health care

3. Stay focused in the present moment.

Feelings of regret or worry about a past event, or worry and anxiety about an upcoming future event are not only a waste of your precious life time. They also add stress to the body, which makes you more susceptible to disease. Stay present and focused on the beauty and gifts this moment is offering you!

4. Just do it! Exercise.

Exercise is known to help you live a longer and healthier life. The body needs to stay in action and movement. Move it, or lose it!

5. Mental exercise and stimulation.

A healthy physical body includes a sound and sharp mind. Keep challenging your mind to expand, grow, learn, experience, decipher, and explore. Use it, or lose it!

6. Meditate.

Not only is meditation simple and fun, it also has been known to reduce your heart rate, reduce your stress level, help you become present in this moment, increase your feelings of peace, serenity, joy, and spiritual faith. This all does the body good!

7. Surround yourself with a great support system - family, friends.

Keep yourself surrounded from every side with positive-minded, healthy people who are on YOUR team - People who will care for, support, love, respect, and appreciate you.

8. Laugh often.

Recent studies are showing the significance of how laughter, fun, and mirth help keep people healthy, as well as heal sick bodies. Everyone really is a unique, hilarious person. Look for the hilarity in every situation and keep laughing.

9. Keep your thoughts positive.

What you put out does come back. So if you want to feel and look great, monitor your thoughts closely to ensure that you are thinking only positive, forwarding thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, simply turn it around into a positive thought.

10. Deal with your emotions. Do not stifle them.

If you are avoiding dealing with any emotions that have cropped up in your life, what do you think you are doing to your poor body? It has to store this emotional energy somewhere. Face your feelings, express them healthfully, and whatever you do, stop stuffing them down in to an oozing, black hole of ill health!

As a Mind Power Leadership coach, trainer, and speaker, Ronya Banks has been teaching others how to become leaders and business owners since 1992. Frequently featured in radio, magazine and newspaper articles and interviews, Ronya helps people find the great leaders within by accessing the natural power of their minds. Discover more of Ronya's proven leadership success secrets at: or subscribe to her ezine newsletter at:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

12 Tips For Staying Healthy

More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body possible. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or read magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape.

While many of these options are good and healthy, others you should stay as far away from as possible. Recently, a professional baseball player died at the age of 23. In his locker, a bottle was discovered containing Ephedrine. The FDA just issued a warning that people need to heed.

Now that you have made a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here are some tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, discover ways to maintain a better healthy lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!

For sake of clarity, we have broken this down into two categories. One for health, which focuses on herbal supplements, weight loss, dieting, rest, and everything you need to know about taking care of your body on the inside.

The other section is fitness, which has both internal and external benefits. One the outside, fitness includes weight lifting, running, sports, walking, things you can do to enhance, tone, and build muscle. However, fitness also has benefits for the inside such as great cardiovascular benefits among others.


First, we will start out with Health:

1. Acupuncture

The use of acupuncture dates back more than 2,000 years. This is a traditional medicine of Japan, China, and other Eastern countries. The use of acupuncture is beneficial in that it stimulates areas of the body that have a direct correlation to internal organs.

By placing fine needles into specific points, the body is encouraged to promote natural healing, improve function, and provide an overall boost to your system. When these needles are inserted, they go into Meridians, which are channels somewhat like streams within the body.

Just as there might be a boulder sitting in a stream blocking the flow of water, it can be the same for the channels of blood in your system. Acupuncture helps to remove these obstacles by providing stimulation, thus improving health.

2. Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a method used to help blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rates, brain activity, and other bodily functions. Basically, biofeedback is a painless system that is hooked up to your body and then through electrical signals received from tightening of your muscles, you would be able to receive those signals by a light telling you that you are tightening your muscles.

This in turn trains you to be aware of when you are bringing on stress and to help you identify when you need to relax your body. Biofeedback is very successful and can be used for migraine headaches, chronic pain, high blood pressure, epilepsy, and much more, which can occur when you tense up.

3. Therapeutic Massage

You might be thinking what does getting a massage do for my health other than to make me feel good. Actually, therapeutic massage has many benefits. For example, it can help alleviate pain, reduce stress, and promote good health.

When a person gets a therapeutic massage, they are actually getting the benefit of function improvement with circulatory, muscular, skeletal, nervous systems, lymphatic, and can even help the body heal after an illness or injury.

Depending on what the specific health issue, there is a Swedish Massage, which is a more relaxing massage good for headaches, back stress, and muscle cramps, Pressure Point Therapy, helpful for some injuries as well as circulation problems, headache and muscle tension, insomnia, anxiety, and more.

Finally, Sports Massage focuses on muscle groups used for different sports. Licensed masseuse can help with the issues mentioned as well as allergies, arthritis, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, digestive disorders, myofascial pain, limited range of motion, sinusitis, and TMJ. The next time you tell someone you are going to get a massage, you can simply explain that it is for the benefit of your health.

4. Eat Less Later in the Day

Everyone knows, whether they want to admit it or not, reducing calories will help you to lose weight. However, just as you should reduce the calorie intake, you need to know when to eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the one meal that should not be missed. Lunch should be healthy but a less than what you ate for breakfast. As you approach dinner, eat healthy but light. Avoid after dinner snacks or eating before bed!

5. Saucy but Healthy

Eating bland foods is boring, unsatisfying, and if that is what your diet consists of, more than likely, you will be off it shortly after you start. If you enjoy good tasting food, some sauces and spices can enhance your food while not adding calories to your food. The next you grill meat, consider using one of these:

 Reduced-salt Soy Sauce
 Mustard
 Salsa
 Worcestershire Sauce
 Vinegar (this comes in wonderful flavors)
 Teriyaki Sauce
 Tomato Sauce
 Hot Sauce

6. Supplements and Vitamins

While some supplements and vitamins on the market are not worth buying and some, such as Ephedrine, have been proven dangerous, other sources are healthy. Most important, you need to understand what it is you are taking, and strictly follow dosage just as you would medication that has been prescribed.

If you are unsure, check with your physician, a nutritionist, or a reputable health food store. Many supplements that are good for overall health include grape seed extract, Glucosamine, aloe vera, and Selenium. Vitamins to consider would include Vitamin E, Vitamin C, B-12, Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium.

7. Eliminate Stress

You have probably heard this before. Stress is a key contributor to poor health. Study after study has found that when a person is stressed, the body reacts. The result of stress could be high-blood pressure, tension headaches, upset stomachs, poor posture, and so on. Keeping stress in check will help you manage your overall health much better.


Does sleep really affect health? You bet it does. During sleep, your body is resting and recovering from all the work is has done throughout the day. Your serotonin levels are brought back in line, your muscles relax, and mind is allowed to clear itself in preparation for the next day.

If you are not getting the proper amount of sleep, you will notice it in a physical way. While there is no magic number, usually between six and eight hours a night is appropriate. If you have difficulty getting to sleep, before you climb into bed, try Yoga, listening to soft, relaxing music, a glass of wine, or if you can talk someone into it, a good massage.

9. Laugh it Off

The medical field has proven that laughter actually works with your body toward good health. Have you ever heard the expression, "Laughter is the best medicine"? The truth is, when you laugh, several positive things happen.

Your muscles relax; stress hormone product is reduced; you forget about pain; your body's immune system is improved; high-blood pressure is lowered; the heart and lungs are strengthened; and overall, you feel better!

10. Nutrition

People often confuse "dieting" with nutrition. Your body needs to have nutrients replaced, whether through foods being eaten or supplements. Do you remember what you learned in elementary school about the four major food groups? As adult, eating balanced meals from these groups still applies.

It is important to remove the "junk food" from your diet and stick with healthy foods. If you do not like certain things such as fruits or vegetables, be sure you are taking a supplement to get the nutrients needed. Another consideration is if you are a vegetarian. There are certain benefits taken from meat such as iron and B-12 that you should consider taking a supplement for in exchange for the meat.

11. Yoga

The practice of Yoga is actually a spiritual practice. However, with the many benefits received it has quickly become a popular choice to thousands of people strictly for health. Yoga helps stretch out muscles and ligaments, tone the body, and the greatest benefit is that it helps to clear the mind. Having a clear mind works toward a healthy body.

12. Stop Smoking

You have probably heard this more times, than you can count but facts are facts! There is no other way to say it - smoking is not only bad for your health, it is deadly! One woman in her late thirties had smoked for 10 years. She had tried everything from watering down her cigarettes, throwing them away, wearing a patch, chewing gum, you name it, she tried it. She really wanted to quit but the addiction was so strong she was finding it impossible.

The mother of an 11-year old daughter and a 13-year old son, she was taken by surprise when something happened that made her quit smoking in one day. Her son told her that he had something very important to tell her.

It a quick response of, "Okay, what is it?" he said, "No, I really need to talk to you." She knew by the look on his face and the tone of his voice that this was something important. Her son looked her square in the face and without wavering said, "I want you to quit smoking because I don't want you to die. I want a mother in my life."

For more related information visit: Get professional knowledge on dealing with symptoms, drug side effects and improving your life!